Heron Token
Token ticker: $HERON Spec: BEP-20 Contract Address: 0x90451265Fd0598e088e42c1768d6211F0978954A
Total Supply: 235,000,000 $HERON
Allocation for the Private Sale: 222,000,000 $HERON
Private Sale Price: 1 $HERON = 0.01014 BUSD
Hard cap: 2,250,000 BUSD
Adding liquidity: 7,500,000 $HERON (IDO Price)
Adding liquidity fee: 112,500 BUSD
Total for Private Sale: 2,137,500 BUSD
Allocation for the Public Sale: 13,000,000 $HERON
Public Sale Price: 1 $HERON = 0.015 BUSD
Hard cap: 195,000 BUSD
Vesting Schedule
To maintain a healthy growth of $HERON value, we introduce the following vesting schedule for both Private Investors and Public Investors:
10% to be released at TGE
90% to be released in the next 12 months at the monthly rate of 7.5%
Cliff for one month
Use Cases
$HERON holders can stake $HERON to get their HERONNFTs, which can be converted into vouchers for accommodation at Heron Retreat every year for the next 15 years.
Besides, investors also have the option to farm $HERON and $HERONNFT in LZ Farm - the new game developed by LaunchZone - to earn $LZP.
Estimated ROI for $HERON holders
Based on the expected sale price (inflation adjusted) of a 2-day-1-night stay at Heron Retreat, our proposed ROIs for $HERON holders are as follows:
Year | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Sum |
ROI for Private Investors | 21.33% | 22.40% | 23.52% | 24.70% | 25.93% | 27.23% | 28.59% | 30.02% | 31.52% | 33.10% | 34.75% | 36.49% | 38.31% | 40.23% | 42.24% | 460.34% |
ROI for Public Investors | 14.41% | 15.14% | 15.89% | 16.69% | 17.52% | 18.40% | 19.32% | 20.28% | 21.30% | 22.36% | 23.48% | 24.65% | 25.89% | 27.18% | 28.54% | 311.04% |
And that is only for holding $HERON!
Last updated